Navigating the Funding Maze: Breaking Down Challenges Faced by Startup Nonprofits and Charities

Guest blog by: George Q. Jackson, GPC, GQJ Grants & Media Services

Did you know that there are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, accounting for about 15% of the world's total? Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in society, and their efforts can significantly impact the world. In 2022, Americans donated a whopping $499.33 billion to charity, with individuals contributing $319.04 billion, representing 64% of the total giving. Foundations were the second most significant source of giving, contributing 21% of total nonprofit giving, with an estimated $105.21 billion. Nonprofit startups must understand the funding landscape and develop effective fundraising techniques to accomplish their mission-driven endeavors.

Challenges Faced by Startup Nonprofits and Charities

Startup nonprofits and charities often struggle to secure funding due to limited access to traditional funding sources. As a result, they need to adopt innovative fundraising strategies. Establishing credibility with potential donors can also be a daunting task. Unfortunately, only around 50% of nonprofits are successful. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, about 30% of nonprofits will cease to exist after ten years. Many nonprofits face various obstacles, including:

Lack of funding and financial resources - Startups often struggle to secure funding and financing, hindering their impact. To overcome this, they can apply for grants, seek donations, and use crowdfunding. A comprehensive fundraising plan is crucial to secure resources.

Limited access to grants and funding opportunities - Startups in the nonprofit sector often struggle to access grants and funding opportunities due to strict eligibility criteria that favor established organizations. To overcome this challenge, they can build relationships with grant-making organizations and partner with established organizations to access funding opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach.

Building a solid case for support - Nonprofits and charities must clearly articulate their mission, goals, and the specific outcomes they aim to achieve to attract financial resources. Providing concrete examples of past interventions can help build credibility and inspire confidence in potential donors and funders.

Starting With Traditional Fundraising Strategies

Traditional fundraising strategies for new and small nonprofits include direct mail campaigns, events and galas, grants and sponsorships, and earned revenue. These methods help in generating funds, fostering community engagement, and raising awareness about the nonprofit's cause.

Newer Trends in Fundraising to Try

If a nonprofit organization has established a solid foundation or has gained a basic comprehension of some of the more conventional methods and strategies for raising funds, it may be prepared to experiment with new or distinct techniques for fund development. Here are some suggestions:

Leveraging social media and online platforms for fundraising - Nonprofits can leverage social media for fundraising by developing a digital marketing strategy, identifying a target audience, selecting appropriate platforms, and creating engaging content. Crowdfunding platforms like IndieGoGo and GoFundMe and gamified events like charity golf tournaments are convenient ways to raise funds online. Social media challenges and collaboration with influencers can also gain visibility and promote campaigns.

Collaborating with other organizations and forming partnerships - Partnering with like-minded organizations can help nonprofits overcome funding challenges. By pooling resources and sharing expertise, startups can increase their credibility and visibility, making them more attractive to potential donors. Identify organizations that align with your mission and values, and approach them with a clear understanding of what you bring to the table.

Seeking support from the community and volunteers - Engaging with the local community and volunteers can benefit startup nonprofits and charities. It can raise awareness about their mission and provide fundraising opportunities. To connect effectively with local stakeholders, these organizations should seek out community events, volunteers, and partnerships with local businesses. By involving the community, they can create a support network that will help sustain their operations in the long run.

Deeper Dive

As nonprofits become more confident and experienced in their fund development activities, they may start to find their groove. They should celebrate successes large and small (and learn from failures and mistakes of the same magnitude); a young organization is often well-positioned to begin leveraging the relationships built along the way.

Relationship Fundraising - Fundraising should be transformational for the donor, not transactional. Relationship fundraising aims to build lasting interpersonal relationships with donors to get multiple gifts of increasing value rather than a single large donation. This approach helps nonprofits gain more over time by reducing the cost of recruiting new one-time givers. It can be used with various fund development methods.

Life Remodeled – This Detroit area nonprofit is an excellent example of a successful relationship fundraising approach. Life Remodeled started in 2010, repurposing historically noteworthy properties into one-stop hubs of opportunity for entire families to thrive. These cultural landmarks are home to some of the most exceptional nonprofit organizations offering youth programs, workforce development, and human services to tens of thousands of students and community members every year. Led by the organization's founder and CEO in their fundraising efforts, they integrated the relationship fundraising approach leveraging both traditional (i.e., grants, direct mail, and events) and newer methods mentioned above (i.e., social media and online platforms, collaborations, community, and volunteer engagement.

According to publicly available IRS filings, Life Remodeled raised approximately $37.6 million in revenue and other support between 2015 and 2022.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for reading this blog post about navigating the funding maze for startup nonprofits and charities. I hope you found the information informative and helpful. If you're a nonprofit startup struggling with funding, I encourage you to try out some of the tips and strategies mentioned in this post. Remember, building a solid fundraising plan is crucial to secure resources and sustain your operations in the long run. If you found these tips helpful, please share this post with others in your network who may benefit from it. Don't forget to follow me on LinkedIn at, or reach out to me at to stay up-to-date with the latest insights and strategies on fundraising.


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